“Don’t Let a Good Pandemic Go to Waste!”

Angelo John Lewis
3 min readApr 30, 2020

Take part in a Sacred Conversation, aimed at helping you make best use of this current moment.

This “Great Pause” provides a unique opportunity for each of us to reflect on cornerstone questions:

· What is the purpose of my life?

· What is this time calling me to do?

· How might I be a better citizen in this changing world?

These are questions that are probably always with us, but ones we hadn’t fully explored in the hustle and bustle of pre-Pandemic life.

These are called Sacred Conversations because in contrast to ordinary ones, they’ll involve both deep listening and an opportunity for both self-reflection and group learning.

They’re designed to be igniters or launching pads to new ways of looking at things.

Let me share my sense as to why I think that this now is the optimal time to engage in these Sacred Conversations.

If you take a walk outside, you may notice that much of life is proceeding as normal: birds are singing, flowers are blooming, ants are building pathways through the earth.

It’s just we humans that are experiencing the pandemic-enabled shock.

It’s as if nature has put us all in what my colleague Niambi Jaha-Echols calls a physical timeout.

We as a species just haven’t been living right.

“Just like when you have a child and you put them in the corner because there’s some behavior (they’re exhibiting) that’s out of order… part of the thought of putting them in timeout is (they can use the time) to come back into alignment with what’s true, and come back with some greater understanding “

Now we’re not going to solve global warming, income inequality or any of the planetary challenges we’re facing by engaging in these conversations.

But my hope is that by participating in this exploratory sharing, you’ll gain a deeper sense of how you might better contribute to the needs of the evolving earth.

Sacred Conversations will utilize Dialogue Circles, which I’ve been facilitating for more than 20 years. Groups I’ve worked with have used these for visioning, creative problem-solving. strategic planning and a wide range of other purposes. Assisting me in this process is Willem O’Reilly, with whom I developed Dialogue Circles at Princeton University in 1991.

Each Sacred Conversation will involve no more than six of us and take place during one of five times. (Check your time zone here).

  • May 1 PM or 9 PM ET
  • May 8: 8:30 pm ET
  • May 10: 11 AM ET

If you’d like to be one of a group of six, register here and let me know which of these times works for you.

I invite you to explore how to better define your purpose and mission in this changing world.

Angelo John Lewis


Sacred Inclusion Network



Angelo John Lewis

I’m the director of the Sacred Inclusion Network, originator of Sacred Conversations and the author of Notes for a New Age.